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70% ERP cost reduction in 5 weeks on 3 continents for Productive Edge.

Chicago headquartered digital consulting business replaces Mavenlink with VOGSY.

About the customer

Founded in 2008, Productive Edge is committed to helping their clients in healthcare and other industries achieve agility and strategic transformation through innovative digital strategy and engineering solutions.

The company, called P/E in short, has 200 consultants employed at 4 main sites in the United States, Poland, Colombia, and Ecuador.


The requirements and needs of an ERP system evolve as a company develops. The software itself is not always this flexible, nor are many vendors. Offsetting high costs against limited benefits and flexibility drove P/E to look at alternatives.

The search

Having switched from Oracle Netsuite OpenAir to Mavenlink some years back, P/E knew a thing or two about the perils and pains of ERP replacements. A decision to embark on another change was not taken lightly;

  • The software had to be 100% fit for purpose, and it was tested for any project scenario

  • The vendor had to prove to be much more responsive, knowledgeable, and easy to work with than the previous ones

  • Product deployment had to be swift, with an easy and rapid learning curve

  • Scalability and robustness were key considerations as well

  • ISO27001, SAE, and SOC1 certifications were important to back up P/E management practices in their quality-conscious target market

  • Time to value had to be extremely fast; going live in a matter of weeks was critical to discontinuing the previous contract

VOGSY delivered

On all counts, VOGSY matched and sometimes surpassed expectations. Feature enhancements were co-created in just a few weeks, and P/E was able to meet their target cut-off date for Mavenlink exactly on time.

“A couple of weeks into the operational stage, we concluded it was absolutely smooth sailing.” Comments Evan Roth, director at P/E. “Not only are we saving a lot of money, but we are getting a better functioning, more usable, and more scalable system.”