How to connect VOGSY to Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace

Do more with less!

VOGSY uses what you already have, your productivity system. You will save costs, and there is also less to learn.

What VOGSY connects to

  • Microsoft Outlook or Gmail for outgoing email as well as for our email add-on that allows you to store incoming emails in VOGSY

  • Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Sharepoint so that you can store and retrieve documents straight from VOGSY

  • Word or docs to create templates for quotes and invoices

  • Google Sheets or Excel for detailed back-office reports

Automatic folder structure

VOGSY will save time and hassle by creating a folder structure for you in your current Sharepoint or Google Drive. You will have a logical structure for:

  • Organizations (your customers and suppliers)

  • Opportunities and quotes

  • Projects and invoices

How is the connection established?

VOGSY will prompt you to grant permission to access your Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 domain. You can trigger this permission request by creating a quote on an opportunity. To do this, go to the bottom of the record on any sample opportunity. You will see the 'create quote' option there. Once you select 'create a quote,' the permission-granting process will begin.