What products does VOGSY typically replace?

VOGSY replaces traditional monolithic software

Companies are getting stuck in older-style, heavy, hard-to-manage, and costly software options. VOGSY customers want to grow and become more agile.

These traditional and well-respected products commonly do not provide a smooth and affordable path for change. The problems are a) software cost, b) implementation and maintenance investments, and c) the lack of influence customers have on the roadmap.

Products in this category that VOGSY commonly replaces are:

Oracle Netsuite, although we also get asked to integrate with it sometimes

Microsoft Dynamics in all its variations

SAP, mainly Business One

Deltek products from their extensive range

Newer, focused, but complex options that VOGSY competes against

There are three main products in this range that VOGSY either replaces or successfully competes against. VOGSY wins these accounts because of our lower TCO, faster time to value, and much greater flexibility. Customers appreciate that they have access to our executive and product teams.

Kantata Mavenlink: We have a case study here that shows a 70% TCO reduction once we replaced Mavenlink.

Kantata KimbleThis customer chose VOGSY because of cost savings, ease of setup, access to the product team, and VOGSY's quick international rollout capability.

Certinia (FinancialForce) is heavily linked to the Salesforce ecosystem, and companies experience challenges when implementing. Companies choose VOGSY because of its speedy implementation and affordability.

VOGSY sometimes replaces 'tooling spaghetti'

Having different processes and data points spread across myriad point solutions stifles growth. Especially when they are also different across different operating companies and countries. Typical tools that we encounter and either replace or integrate are:

  • Spreadsheets

  • Resource planning tools

  • Project planning tools

  • CRM systems

  • Task management tools

  • Time tracking tools

  • Invoicing products

  • Expense management tools

  • Leave management systems