Step 4 Communicate VOGSY

Step 4: Communicate to the teams

Communication is key

It's time to Go Live.

Proper communication with your teams that need to work with VOGSY is critical to getting the desired results.

End-users need instructions and education on the following:

  • The organizational goals for using VOGSY

  • Which processes and procedures to follow

  • When to perform the jobs to be done

Looking for a cadence

Setting up a cadence in the jobs to be done helps to get predictable results. For instance, timesheets must be approved every Monday morning, expense claims must be approved every Thursday, etc.

This gives end-users a grip on the tasks to perform in VOGSY.


At VOGSY, during the onboarding, we ensure that key users are adequately trained to perform their first-line support activities and give other end-users the proper training on the job.

End-user training

End-user training consists of 2 elements:

  • Organizational introduction.

  • Hands-on training.

The organizational introduction is the most important training you can give your employees. It tells them why their organization will use VOGSY and what goals it wants to achieve with VOGSY. It is the introduction of new processes and procedures around the new software.

VOGSY recommends creating explanatory videos for the hands-on training of employees who are geographically distributed over multiple time zones.

The great advantage is that once created, these videos can be distributed multiple times, also under new employees. The videos become part of the onboarding program for new employees.

User support

The last but not least thing to communicate is how your employees can get support and training on the job and whom to turn to for a quick how-to question or tips and tricks. Key users are the first line of support for your end-users.

VOGSY provides second-line support. Check the VOGSY support model.